Notes for Consultants - Department of Statistics - Purdue University Skip to main content

Some Important Notes for Consultants

Scheduling MATH G162

To request new reservations for MATH G162, please send an email to and indicate the date of the reservation, the starting/ending times for the reservation, and any other information that should be included with the details for the reservation. (The schedule for MATH G162 is in the Resources/Reservations Calendar in StatCentral.)

Meetings with Clients

Software consultants will meet with clients in G175 in the Math Sciences Building. In addition, consulting advice may be given by phone or email. Design and data analysis consultants, in general, hold initial meetings in room G162 or room 531 in the Department of Statistics.

Initial Meetings and Follow Up Meetings

We require that the major professor or research sponsor attend the entirety of the initial meeting if the client is a student. If the major professor is not available, the meeting should be rescheduled.

Occasional Meetings

Arrange meetings with the client as needed. These meetings may be held in your office or the client's office or any other campus location. Room G162 is also available for use outside of the blocked out regular meeting times. You must sign up for this room. Do not meet with the client off campus. If the client requests such a meeting, notify the SCS manager.

Document Meetings

All consultants must keep a record of the time spent in consultation with each client and other consulting duties. Consultants should have good writing skills as there are several records and reports that must be written.

Writing Initial Meeting Reports
Writing Semester Reports - Guidelines
Sample Semester Report

Client Activity Report Log

A Client Activity Report Log should be kept. This should be a running record of client activity. Submit at (or before) each weekly staff meeting. This should reflect the activity of the past week (week goes from Sunday to Saturday). Use the EXCEL file that is provided to you.

Other Websites of Interest

Writing Help

Oxford English Dictionary
Purdue On-Line Writing Lab
Presentation Help

Other Statistical Consulting Information

AMSTAT Consulting Section Information
University of Michigan Center for Statistical Consultation and Research (CSCAR)
Statistics and Statistical Graphics Resources (York University)
Indiana University Statistical Consulting Center

Ask a Statistical Question

Purdue Department of Statistics, 150 N. University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Phone: (765) 494-6030, Fax: (765) 494-0558

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