Local Event Planned for World Statistics Day
On Wednesday, October 20, statistical agencies and associations in the United States will join governments and organizations around the globe to observe the first World Statistics Day (WSD), declared by the United Nations to celebrate the service provided by the global statistical system and to help strengthen awareness and trust of the public in official statistics.
In honor of this day, the Department of Statistics at Purdue, in collaboration with Statistics in the Community (StatCom) and the Graduate Student Organization (GSO), will host a gathering in Forney Hall of Chemical Engineering (FRNY) G140 from 5:30 - 7:00pm on Wednesday, October 20. The video "The Statistical Century" by Brad Efron (2001, 60 minutes) will be shown. Pizza and refreshments will be served.
The event is designed to celebrate World Statistics Day and to highlight the numerous contributions of past and present members of the Department of Statistics at Purdue to local, national, and international communities. The event is open to all; graduate and undergraduate students are especially encouraged to attend.
For more information on World Statistics Day, please visit http://unstats.un.org/unsd/wsd/.