Diversity and Inclusion - Department of Statistics - Purdue University Skip to main content

Diversity and Inclusion

The Department of Statistics seeks to maintain a diverse population of faculty, staff, and students through aggressive recruiting and enhanced support services. We encourage participation in diversity workshops for faculty, staff, and teaching assistants. Incorporating diversity and inclusion awareness into student orientation programs and coordinating our efforts with campus-wide programs and initiatives aimed at diversity awareness demonstrates our commitment to diversity. We believe that a diverse population of students, faculty, and staff enriches a community in which all members strive for excellence.

Upcoming Events

The Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR) is hosting a professional development workshop on September 16. More information can be found in the Purdue Today article.

Current opportunities

Doctoral Fellowships: The Graduate School at Purdue University offers several doctoral fellowships. See their website for a current list of support available.

Visit any of the links below for more information:

  • Department of Statistics Graduate Program (FAQs)
  • Purdue Division of Diversity and Inclusion: Advances diverse and inclusive communities at Purdue. They create and sustain a welcoming campus where all students can excel, increase and retain the number of historically underrepresented and diverse students, faculty and staff at Purdue, and prepare all students to thrive in our diverse, global environment.
  • Office of the Provost: Leads many diversity-related centers, initiatives, and resources at Purdue.
  • ADVANCE: An institutional transformation project that targets the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) faculty at Purdue's West Lafayette campus.
  • Human Resources: An organization that supports Purdue’s commitment to recruiting and retaining talented, innovative and diverse faculty.
  • Religious, Ethnic, and Civil Observances.

Purdue resources specific to science:

  • Purdue Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP): Helps prepare undergraduates for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors and through enrichment activities. The goal of the program is to increase the number of underrepresented students who pursue graduate study and research careers.
  • Women in Science Programs (WISP): Implements programming and facilitates relationships with upper class peers and faculty members that help retain women in the College of Science.
  • Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS): Promotes the pursuit of graduate education and advanced degrees necessary for science research, leadership, and teaching careers at all levels for Chicano/Latino and Native American students.
  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES): Offers financial, academic, and cultural support to American Indians and Alaska Natives from middle school through graduate school, provides professional development activities to enable teachers to work effectively with Native students, and develops culturally appropriate curricula and publications.
  • Purdue Chapter of National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE): Stimulates and develops student interest in the various engineering disciplines, strives to increase the number of undergraduate and graduate minority students studying engineering, encourages members to seek advanced degrees in engineering or related fields, promotes public awareness of engineering and the opportunities available to Blacks and other minorities that are associated with engineering, and functions as a representative body on issues and developments that effect the careers of black engineers.
  • Department of Statistics Tutor List: A list of graduate students willing to assist other students in tutoring for specific Statistics courses.

More Purdue resources:

  • Black Cultural Center (BCC): Provides purposeful, holistic, scholarly, and co-curricular programming designed to strengthen understanding of African American heritage. The BCC enhances the academic, cultural, and social development of the entire Purdue community.
  • Diversity Resource Office: Encourages, develops, and assesses programs and activities that foster a climate within Purdue that celebrates the diversity of all members of the community.
  • International Students and Scholars (ISS) Office: Encourages, develops, and assesses programs and activities that foster a climate within Purdue that celebrates the diversity of all members of the community.
  • Latino Cultural Center: Serves as a resource to Latinos/as to celebrate and enhance understanding of the Latino culture through history, accomplishments, growth, and empowerment. It also serves as an educational and cultural foundation for all students, faculty, and staff members.
  • LGBTQ Center: Provides programming that engages the entire Purdue campus and community on LGBTQ issues. It is the primary point of contact for members of the LGBTQ community as it works collaboratively with campus departments, student organizations, University administration and local community groups to connect students with the enriching resources, activities and support services they seek in order to be successful at Purdue and beyond.
  • Mentoring @ Purdue (M@P): Aims to improve the quality of graduate education by fostering mentoring relationships between graduate students and faculty or staff members in the Agricultural and Life Sciences.
  • Native American Educational and Cultural Center: Develops new generations of educated Native students who will make positive contributions in their tribal communities, and educates non-Natives who will appreciate Indigenous cultures, histories, and traditions.
  • Office of Institutional Equity (OIE): Supports Purdue's mission to promote human and intellectual diversity by providing equal access and opportunity through fostering an inclusive environment for all members of the University community.
  • Purdue Graduate Student Government (PGSG): The legislative arm of, and the dedicated advocate for, the Purdue graduate student body.
  • Susan Bulkeley Butler Center: Develops leadership capacity, especially for women, through research, education, and collaborations that advance inclusion and broaden representation in academic decision-making.

Local resources in Lafayette and West Lafayette:

  • International Center of West Lafayette: Fosters cross-cultural exchange through educational programs, cultural events, and community service, and serves as the hub of resources and information to the international community and residents of Greater Lafayette.
  • Hanna Community Center: Offers quality programming for youth, seniors, and health education.
  • Lafayette YWCA: Improves the lives of women and girls in Tippecanoe and surrounding counties through education, recreation, and empowerment programs.
  • Lafayette YMCA: Provides resources for healthy living, youth development, and social responsibility. Connects local members of all ages with healthy, family-oriented, and community-based activities.
  • PRIDE Lafayette: Continually educates and promotes awareness of diversity, health, culture, and acceptance of individuals based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Facilitates and coordinates the efforts of communities to work together on a number of programs and activities such as diversity education, health initiatives, community mobilization, cultural enhancement, and research.
  • Lafayette Adult Resource Academy (LARA): Teaches academic and life skills to enable learners to make productive, ongoing changes in their personal lives, in society, and in public policy.
  • Lafayette Human Relations Commission: Seeks to end prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, and discrimination in the City of Lafayette, to encourage respect and understanding of all individuals and groups, and to investigate complaints of discrimination in the City of Lafayette.
  • West Lafayette Human Relations Commission: Protects the rights of citizens and ensures that West Lafayette remains a fair and inclusive community. Reviews complaints of discrimination received by the City, investigates those complaints, and works with the parties involved to reach a resolution. Conducts educational efforts that aim to foster understanding, tolerance, and respect among the members of our diverse community.

In accordance with Purdue policies, all persons have equal access to Purdue University’s educational programs, services, and activities, without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability or status as a veteran. See Purdue’s Nondiscrimination Policy Statement. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these policies, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance at vpec@purdue.edu or 765-494-5830.

Purdue Department of Statistics, 150 N. University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Phone: (765) 494-6030, Fax: (765) 494-0558

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