2008 GSO Spring Speaker: Professor James O. Berger
The Purdue Statistics Graduate Student Organization (GSO) was pleased to have Professor James O. Berger as this year's spring speaker. Professor Berger spoke on Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 4:30pm in MATH 175. The title of his talk was "A Review of Surprises Encountered in Bayesian Model Selection." The talk was joint with the Department of Statistics Research Colloquium. Refreshments were served in HAAS 101 at 4:15pm.
Professor James O. Berger is The Arts and Sciences Professor of Statistics at Duke University and Director of the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI). Before moving to Duke, he was a faculty member in the Purdue University Department of Statistics from 1974-1997. Well known for his work in Bayesian statistics, Professor Berger's research interests also include the foundations of statistics, statistical decision theory, model selection, and simulation.
To read more about Professor Berger, please visit his website.