Shanti S. Gupta Professorship Fund
In memory of Professor Shanti S. Gupta, the Department of Statistics uses this fund for an endowed professorship in the Department of Statistics.
Currently, the fund is being used to partially support the Shanti S. Gupta Distinguished Professor, Dr. William S. Cleveland.In 1968, Professor Gupta founded the Purdue University Department of Statistics and served as department head until 1995. He was Professor of Statistics and Mathematics at Purdue University for 40 years.
- Giving
- Giving News
- Anderson and Fischer Graduate Fellowship
- George Casella Fund
- Virgil L. Anderson Scholarship Fund
- Burr Fund
- L. J. Cote M.S. Excellence in Statistics Award
- Statistics Gift Fund
- Shanti S. Gupta Professorship Fund
- Pillai Memorial Fund
- David Moore Fund
- William J. Studden Publication Award
- General Colloquium Fund
- Lucas Fund
- Bob and Marjorie McLean Scholarship Fund
- Prem S. Puri Memorial Fund
- Myra Samuels Biostatistics Fund
- Carroll Scholarship Award
- Carroll Research Award
- Herman Rubin Memorial Fund
- Kidwell Graduate Student Excellence Fund
- JK Ghosh Lecture