Conference History

Starting in 1989, the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture was held on an annual basis in Manhattan, Kansas. The conference provided a unique forum for discussion of statistical issues motivated by agricultural problems and brought together statisticians and researchers from academia, industry, and government to develop and discuss new methodologies and innovative applications in statistics for the advancement of agricultural research. This conference also holds a tradition of exposing students and developing scholars to new statistical research directly relevant to agriculture. Statistical topics presented and discussed at the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture varied broadly over the years and included, amongst many others, graphical models and causal inference, machine learning spatio-temporal statistical models, statistical methods for genome-enabled prediction of complex traits, graphics, Bayesian inference, generalized linear mixed models, statistics for messy data, modern experimental design and statistical issues in QTL mapping and epigenomics.
Further details about the history of the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture from 1989 to 2018.