Department of Statistics Sponsors 16th Annual Black Graduate Student Association Awards Banquet
On April 22, 2017, six of our Ph.D. students and Department Head Hao Zhang attended the 16th Annual Purdue University Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) Awards and Recognition Banquet. Our department was a proud sponsor of this event.
The BGSA Awards and Recognition Banquet celebrates the accomplishments and recognitions of its members. The theme of this year’s banquet was “The Emerging Identities of #PurdueBlackScholars”. The banquet chairperson, Tierra Rose, says this year’s theme has allowed the BGSA “to delve into the intersections of identities of both graduate and professional students of color.”
Several of our department's students have served as officers of the organization during their studies at Purdue. To learn more about the BGSA, please visit their website.
From left to right: Department Head Hao Zhang and PhD students Jeanine Gnang, Dominique Williams, Courtney Henry, Kelly-Ann Dixon Hamil, Hilda Ibriga, and Evidence Matangi.