Steve Mussman G.A. Ross Award Winner
Writer(s): Meghan Tooman

The Department of Statistics congratulates Steve Mussman. Steve recently recieved the G.A. Ross Award, the second consecutive Statistics undergraduate to receive said award. The G.A. Ross award is a University honor granted to each year’s most outstanding senior man decided by a committee of undergraduate peers. It recognizes one graduating male who has outstanding character with a minimum 3.0 graduation index and exudes a commitment to scholarship, leadership, and service.
Steve Mussman is a senior completing six different majors and a minor in Physics with a 4.0 GPA. His majors include: Mathematics Honors, Statistics Honors, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics/Statistics with Honors, Mathematics-Computer Science, and Computer Science.
He is originally from Fort Wayne, Indiana where he was homeschooled through high school as one of seven children. Beyond his numerous majors, which keep him busy enough, Steve’s extracurricular involvement proves he is a true leader in his community. He is a Purdue Science Ambassador, the president of the Math Club, and a member of Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity.
Steve’s academic career at Purdue has been impressive, and his achievements have been recognized numerous times. Steve was awarded the Jerison Memorial Award, the Baxter Award, the V.L. Anderson Award, and the Bruce Helfert Award. He was also a finalist for a Churchill Scholarship, one of only 25 other students nationally nominated and one of two at Purdue. While his academic achievements have been widely recognized, he has also been very involved in research during his time at Purdue.
Steve has worked on projects with the Department of Mathematics, Purdue University; the Center for Research in Computer Vision at University of Central Florida; and at the Purdue located National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center on the Science of Information. In the Center for Science Information at Purdue, Steve is a Channels Scholar and has conducted machine learning research with Professor Jennifer Neville on statistical network models, and Professor Alan Qi on Gaussian processes.
Beyond his insightful research at Purdue, Steve has worked with Rolls-Royce, as well as Bloomberg. He interned with Bloomberg last summer in software development, and is scheduled to intern with Google this summer in the San Francisco Bay area. At Google he will work to apply machine learning to privacy systems. Next year, he plans to attend graduate school where he will start in a Ph.D. program in computer science either at Stanford University or Carnegie Melon University.
Purdue Statistics congratulates Steve Mussman on his many academic and leadership achievements and is proud that he has been recognized with the G.A. Ross award.