Please welcome our new members of Purdue Statistics!

Dr. Ho (Stanley) Chan
Dr. Ho (Stanley) Chan joins Purdue Statistics as an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE; 75%) and Statistics (25%). Dr. Chan receieved his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University California, San Diego. Dr. Chan’s office will be located with the ECE faculty.

Dr. Shengchun Kong
Dr. Shengchun Kong joins Purdue Statistics as a tenure-track faculty position as an Assistant Professor of Statistics. Dr. Kong received her PhD from the Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan. Dr. Kong’s office will be in MATH 238.

Dr. Yitao Liang
Dr. Yitao Liang is a Visiting Scholar this year (August 2014 to August 2015). He will be visiting from the Henan University of Technology in Zhengzhou, China and will be working with Professor Hao Zhang on topics that include detection of problems in food storage. Dr. Liang’s office will be in MATH G148.
Ms. Kalyani Nagaraj
Ms. Kalyani Nagaraj is a Visiting Scholar for the academic year (August 2014 through May 2015). She will be teaching, as well as working on simulation analysis and methodology with Associate Professor Raghu Pasupathy. Ms. Nagaraj’s office will be in MATH G128.
Professor Raghu Pasupathy
Professor Raghu Pasupathy joins Purdue Statistics as an Associate Professor of Statistics. Dr. Pasupathy received his PhD in Operations Research from Purdue University, and his previous employer was Virginia Tech. University. Dr. Pasupathy’s office will be in HAAS 226.

Dr. Vinayak Rao
Dr. Vinayak Rao joins Purdue Statistics as an Assistant Professor of Statistics. Dr. Rao received his PhD in Machine Learning from the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, and completed a Postdoctoral research appointment in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. Dr. Rao’s office will be in MATH 236.

Dr. Bettina Romer
Dr. Bettina Romer is a Limited Term Lecturer in Statistics this Fall 2014. Dr. Romer received her PhD in Chemistry from Stanford University. Dr. Romer’s office will be in HAAS 148.
Dr. Arman Sabbaghi
Dr. Arman Sabbaghi joins Purdue Statistics as an Assistant Professor of Statistics. Dr. Sabbaghi received his PhD from the Department of Statistics at Harvard University. Dr. Sabbaghi’s office will be in MATH 234.

Dr. Qifan Song
Dr. Qifan Song joins Purdue Statistics as an Assistant Professor of Statistics. Dr. Song received his PhD from the Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University. Dr. Song’s office will be in MATH 240.
Please help make our new faculty members and guests feel welcome, and feel free to stop by their offices to introduce yourself.