Statistics Students Featured in Insights Article About Diversity

The Fall 2012 issue of Insights, the magazine produced by Purdue's College of Science, focused on diversity within the students and staff that comprise Purdue's College of Science departments. Ph.D. student Kyle Bemis (pictured above) is featured on the cover of the magazine. Kyle is a member of the Zuni tribe and is active in several Native American groups on campus. Robert Ness, Ph.D. candidate in Statistics, and Ravindran Rajesvaran, Senior Actuarial Science and Mathematical Statistics student, are also featured in the article. "Now more than ever," Kyle is quoted as saying, "with the sciences becoming increasingly interdisciplinary, diversity is not just important, but a necessity."

Ravindran Rajesvaran and Robert Ness
You can read the article at, or click on the image above to download the entire magazine as a PDF.