STAT 301 Wins ICCE Course of the Year

We are proud to announce that the online version of STAT 301 (taught by Continuing Lecturer Ellen Gundlach) has won "Course of the Year" for the Indiana Council for Continuing Education (ICCE). The criteria for the ICCE Course of the Year require either a credit or noncredit course/program offered by the continuing education unit of an ICCE-member institution. The course must demonstrate that it contributes to the enhancement of educational opportunities of individuals in the community and provides an innovative approach to providing educational programs. The online version of STAT 301 was nominated for this award by Mickey Latour, the Associate Dean of Distance Learning.
The award will be presented at the ICCE's annual professional development conference on "The State of the Art of Continuing Higher Education" to be held on March 10, 2011 at the Anderson University Flagship Center.