Welcome Lingsong Zhang - Department of Statistics - Purdue University Skip to main content

Welcome Lingsong Zhang


Lingsong Zhang joined the Department of Statistics on July 1, 2009 as an Assistant Professor. He has a joint appointment with the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering. Zhang received his Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 2007. Prior to coming to Purdue University, Zhang was a research fellow in the Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Harvard University. Zhang is interested in developing statistical methods for real applications, and exploring their theoretical and empirical properties. His major research area is high dimensional inference, with a focus on machine learning methods, functional data analysis, multiscale methods, nonparametric methods, time series analysis, and statistical graphics. Applications of his research include environmental health data sets, proteomic data sets, gene-microarray data sets, Internet traffic data sets, and chemometrics data sets.

Purdue Department of Statistics, 150 N. University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Phone: (765) 494-6030, Fax: (765) 494-0558

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