Ryan Martin Wins SBSS Paper Competition - Department of Statistics - Purdue University Skip to main content

Ryan Martin Wins SBSS Paper Competition


Congratulations to Ryan Martin! He is one of the winners of the American Statistical Association's Section on Bayesian Statistical Science (SBSS) student paper competition for research on Bayesian methodology, including applied, computational, and theoretical work. The paper, co-authored with Surya Tokdar, Morris H DeGroot Visiting Assistant Professor of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University, and Department of Statistics alum, was titled, "A nonparametric empirical Bayes framework for simultaneous significance testing." Ryan will receive partial support to present his paper at the 2009 Joint Statistical Meetings being held in Washington, DC from August 1 - 6.

Ryan plans to receive his Ph.D. in August of 2009. His advisors are Jayanta Ghosh and Chuanhai Liu.

Purdue Department of Statistics, 150 N. University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Phone: (765) 494-6030, Fax: (765) 494-0558

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