Doerge Selected as CIC-ALP Fellow

Rebecca W. Doerge, Professor of Statistics, Professor of Agronomy, Associate Head of Statistics and Director of the Statistical Bioinformatics Center, has been selected as a 2009-2010 Fellow of the Academic Leadership Program sponsored by the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC). The Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) is an academic consortium of Big Ten universities and the University of Chicago. Established in 1987, the Academic Leadership Program (ALP) is a CIC initiative designed to develop the leadership and managerial skills of faculty who have demonstrated exceptional ability and administrative promise. The ALP consists of three meetings on one of the various CIC campuses and monthly meetings with administrative leaders on the Purdue campus. The off-campus meetings focus on challenges in higher education, managing human resources, budget models, diversity, student success, strategic planning and various other topics of interest each year. The meetings at Purdue are designed to familiarize Fellows with the structure, style and work of Purdue's senior administration. Doerge is one of six Fellows selected by Purdue this year.