Andrea Rau and Doug Baumann Appointed Members of ASA Committee on Student Pro Bono Statistics

Congratulations to Andrea Rau and Doug Baumann, Statistics Ph.D. students, on being named members of the Committee on Student Pro Bono Statistics in the American Statistical Association (ASA). The purpose of the committee is to encourage and facilitate efforts by students of statistics to use their analytical skills on a volunteer basis to benefit governmental and nonprofit groups and organizations in their communities, as well as to maintain and communicate standards for pro bono statistical consulting that will reflect positively on the statistical profession in general. Rau has also been appointed the first chair of the committee, whose activities begin in 2009.
Rau and Baumann are joined by six other student members on the committee, including Jonathan Hobbs of Iowa State University, Justin Gross of Carnegie Mellon, Xiaobi Huang of the University of Michigan, David Resendes of the University of Massachusetts, Meredith Wroblewski of the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Diya Zhang of Northwestern University. Although the regular membership of the pro bono statistics committee is made up of students, several advisory members have also been appointed to provide mentoring. Three initial advisory members for the committee are Fritz Scheuren of National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, David Banks of Duke University, and George McCabe of Purdue University.