Das Gupta Serves as Editor of LNMS and IMS Collections

Effective January 1, 2008, Professor Anirban DasGupta became the editor of the IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series (LNMS) and IMS Collections. DasGupta also currently serves as Associate Editor of the Annals of Statistics, Statistics Surveys, and Metrika. In the past, he has served as Associate Editor for the Journal of American Statistical Association, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, International Statistical Review, and Sankhya.
The LNMS is actively looking for original research monographs on any topic in probability, statistical theory, and the interface with various sciences. Books of problems, preferably with sketches of solutions, are also being solicited. The IMS Collections, a new IMS series, has started producing volumes of selected works of distinguished probabilists and statisticians selected by the editorial board of the Collections series.