Statistics Members Recognized at College of Science Faculty and Staff Recognition Luncheon - Department of Statistics - Purdue University Skip to main content

Statistics Members Recognized at College of Science Faculty and Staff Recognition Luncheon


Congratulations to Rebecca W. Doerge, Ellen Gundlach, Mary Roe, and Teena Seele who were recognized at the inaugural College of Science Faculty and Staff Recognition luncheon held on February 6, 2007.

Rebecca W. Doerge Ellen Gundlach Mary Roe Teena Seele

Rebecca W. Doerge, Ellen Gundlach, Mary Roe and Teena Seele

Rebecca W. Doerge, Professor of Statistics and Agronomy, and Ellen Gundlach, Continuing Lecturer in Statistics, both received the Graduate Student Mentoring Award which recognizes excellence by the College of Science in the mentoring of graduate students. Individuals receiving this award effectively nurture the professional and personal growth of graduate students.

Mary Roe, Administrative Assistant, received the Professional Achievement Award which recognizes exceptional staff contributions to the College of Science. Individuals receiving this award consistently perform assigned duties at an exceptional level, go above and beyond the normal expectations, volunteer for additional assignments, maintain a professional manner, and serve as a role model for other staff.

Teena Seele, Information Processing Systems Operator V and Secretarial Assistant Statistical Consulting Service, was recognized for thirty years of service to Purdue University.

Purdue Department of Statistics, 150 N. University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Phone: (765) 494-6030, Fax: (765) 494-0558

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