New Department of Statistics Website
The Department of Statistics Computing group, with support from the staff, faculty and students, has been working this summer updating the departmental website. In coordination with other departments within the School of Science, Cheryl Crabill, webmaster for the Department, and Cameron Smith, Assistant Webmaster, have modified over a hundred pages to conform with the new common look and feel for websites across the School of Science. You should find that the layout and navigation for departments within the School are similar. In the tan bar, labeled "Science Portals," you will find information for Prospective Students, Current Students, Alumni and Friends and Faculty/Staff. This data is maintained by the Web Manager for the School of Science. The navigation down the left side is maintained by the department.
In addition to the new look and feel, the department has a new dedicated webserver. Doug Crabill configured a dual Athlon Linux machine with 4GB of RAM for the new departmental webserver. The new machine allows us to make more use of our departmental databases for generating web pages.
For our internal users, you can still access Stat Central through "Resources - Internal." It has not been given the new look and feel yet, but will be soon.
One of the benefits of the new page layout is that it allows people and events within the department to be featured. Stay tuned as new content is added in the coming months. We hope you are able to find everything you are looking for. If you encounter any problems, please send mail to