STAT 598B is a 1 credit seminar course (public is welcome)
4:30pm on Tuesdays in MSEE B012

SPRING 2015 Schedule:

Tuesday, January 13, 2015; 4:30pm, Lilly (LILY) Hall 1105

Tuesday, January 20, 2015; 4:30pm, Lilly (LILY) Hall 1105
Sanvesh Srivastava, SAMSI and Department of Statistical Science, Duke University
"Expandable Factor Analysis"

Associated reading:
Srivastava, S., Engelhardt, B.E. and Dunson, D.B. (2014). Expandable Factor Analysis. ArXiv Preprint.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015; 4:30pm, Lilly (LILY) Hall 1105
Rebecca Doerge, Department of Statistics and Department of Agronomy, Purdue University
"Part 1: Beginning a Job Search: Academic, Industry, Government..."

Associated reading:
Karen Kelsky. 2014. The Quick and Relatively Painless Guide to Your Academic Job Search. Vitae.

Vitae. 2014. Multiple authors. An Exclusive Booklet on Academic Career Development.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012 *** NEW LOCATION ***
Xiongzhi (Chee) Chen, Princeton University, Lewis-Sigler Institute
"A Weighted FDR Procedure for Discrete Data"

Associated reading:
1. Xiongzhi Chen and R.W. Doerge (2014): Generalized estimators for multiple testing: proportion of true nulls and false discovery rate. Under review by "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B"; available at

2. Xiongzhi Chen and R.W. Doerge (2014): A weighted FDR procedure under discrete and heterogeneous null distributions. Manuscript.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012 *** NEW LOCATION ***
Marcelo Mollinari, Department of Statistics, Purdue University
"Genetic Mapping in Complex Autopolyploids Using Quantitative SNP Genotyping"

Associated reading:
1. Mollinari, M. & Serang, O. "Quantitative SNP Genotyping of Polyploids with MassARRAY and Other Platforms" in Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Genotyping, ed. Batley, J. (Springer New York, 2015), v.1245, 215-241

2. Garcia A.A.F, Mollinari M., Marconi T.G. et al SNP genotyping allows an in-depth characterisation of the genome of sugarcane and other complex autopolyploids. Sci Rep. 3, Article number: 3399, 2013, doi:10.1038/srep03399

Tuesday, February 17, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012
No Seminar.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012
Ming Hu, Department of Population Health; Divison of Biostatistics, New York University School of Medicine
"A hidden Markov random field based Bayesian method for the detection of long-range chromosomal interactions in Hi-C Data"

Tuesday, March 3, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012
Rebecca Doerge , Department of Agronomy and Department of Statistics, Purdue University
"Introduction to Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) in Experimental Populations"

Associated reading:
R.W. Doerge. 2002. Mapping and analysis of quantitative trait loci in experimental populations. Nature Reviews Genetics. 3:43-52

Tuesday, March 10, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012
Dahlia Nielsen, Department of Biological Sciences, North Carolina State University
"Cross-species eQTL mapping for identifying causal relationships between parasites and hosts"

Associated reading:
1. Jacek Majewski and Tomi Pastinen. 2011.The study of eQTL variations by RNA-seq: from SNPs to phenotypes. Trends in Genetics. 27(2):72-79.

2. F. Alex Feltus. 2014. Systems genetics: A paradigm to improve discovery of candidate genes and mechanisms underlying complex traits. Plant Science 223:45-48.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012
Spring Break

Tuesday, March 24, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012
Seminar Cancelled

Tuesday, March 31, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012
Vikki Weake and Hana Hall, Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University
Patrick Medina and Jeremiah Rounds, Department of Statistics, Purdue University
"An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Transcriptional Changes in the Aging Eye"

Associated reading:
Auer and Doerge. 2010. Statistical design and analysis of RNA sequencing data. Genetics 185(2):405-416.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012
Darryl Revenew and Mia Stephens; SAS Institute, JMP Academic Team, Research Triangle Park, NC
"Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization with JMP® Software from SAS"

Associated reading:
Associated reading:
1. Worskshop Details and Agenda

2. New features in JMP® 12 and JMP® Pro 12

Tuesday, April 14, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012
Robert Ness, Department of Statistics, Purdue University
"A Network Topology Approach to Selecting Proteins for Single Cell Studies of Signalling Cascades"

Tuesday, April 21, 2015; 4:30pm, MSEE B012
Megan Fenton, Department of Agronomy, Purdue University
"High-density linkage mapping of tocochromanol variation in two biparental maize populations"

Associated reading:
Gibson, G. (2012). Rare and common variants: twenty arguments. Na ture Reviews. Genetics. 13(2):135-45.

No more Seminars... Have a safe happy summer everyone!!!

Past Seminars (scroll down for current)
FALL even years SPRING odd years FALL odd years SPRING even years
  • No record. Fall 2000
  • Spring 2001 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2001 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2002 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2002 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2003 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2003 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2004 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2004 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2005 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2005 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2006 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2006 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2007 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2007 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2008 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2008 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2009 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2009 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2010 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2010 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2011 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2011 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2012 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2012 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2013 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2013 seminar series speakers
  • Spring 2014 seminar series speakers
  • Fall 2014 seminar series speakers

  • Please contact if there is a speaker (including yourself) you would like to invite for this series (we have funding for visiting Bioinformatics speakers), or if you would like to be added to the weekly email list.

    SPRING 2015 Bioinformatics Unique Hits