9th Bayesian, Fiducial, and Frequentist (BFF) Conference - Department of Statistics - Purdue University Skip to main content

9th Bayesian, Fiducial, and Frequentist (BFF) Conference


Bayesian, Fiducial, and Frequentist

About BFF 9:

The BFF9 on May 12-14, 2025 is hosted by the Department of Statistics in Purdue Indy. The event will be held at the Tower Ballroom Foyer.

We are still finalizing the details. More information will be available soon. Thank you for your patience!

  • Poster Session
  • Banquet Information


About BFF:

The Bayesian, Fiducial, and Frequentist (BFF) community began in 2014 to facilitate scientific exchange among data scientist and scholars in related fields that develop new methodologies and within the foundational principles of data science. The community encourages and promotes research activities to bridge foundations on data-based decisions to facilitate objective and replicable scientific learning, and to develop analytic and computing methodologies for data analysis.

Over the last 10 years, BFF conferences have served as a venue to bring together researchers and practitioners from Bayesian analysis, fiducial statistics, and frequentist statistics with interest important open problems in both theory and implementation, and most importantly discuss future directions of such research. The diversity of the conference attendees has created a dynamic, in-depth exchange of thoughts and ideas like no other conference in data science.

Keynote Speakers

Xihong Lin, Harvard University

Karen Lynn Price, Eli Lilly

Jun Liu, Harvard University

Banquet Speaker

Xiaoli Meng, Harvard University

Invited Speakers

Daniel Alabi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Bryon Aragam, Chicago Booth School of Business, University of Chicago

Yves Atchadé, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Boston University

Marco Avella-Medina, Department of Statistics, Columbia University

Armine Bagyan, Department of Statistics, Penn State University

James Bailie, Department of Statistics, Harvard University

Antik Chakraborty, Department of Statistics, Purdue University

Kyle Cranmer, Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin

Jan Hannig, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Fang Liu, University of Notre Dame

Ryan Martin, Department of Statistics, NC State University

Razieh Nabi, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University

Sally Paganin, Department of Statistics, Ohio State University

Annie Qu, Department of Statistics, University of California Irvine

Ya'acov Ritov, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan

Veronika Rockova, Chicago Booth School of Business, University of Chicago

Xiaotong Shen, School of Statistics, U of Minnesota

Peng Wang, Carl H. Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati

Zhanyu Wang, Research Scientist, Meta

Ying Nian Wu, Department of Statistics, UCLA

Minge Xie, Department of Statistics, Rutgers University

Weixin Yao, Department of Statistics, UC-Riverside

Linjun Zhang, Department of Statistics, Rutgers University

Hui Zou, School of Statistics, U of Minnesota

Peter Song, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan


More information about scheduling will be available soon.

Hotel Information

More information about hotels will be available soon.


Keynote Speaker

Standard Registration



We thank the following sponsors for their support of the 9th BFF conference

Gold Level

College of Science, Purdue University


Silver Level


Bronze Level

American Statistical Association


Corporate Support has always been and will continue to be a critical factor in the success of the BFF conference and Purdue Statistics Program. Contributed funds support student awards, reimburse keynote speakers, cover the cost of program books and bags, etc. Sponsoring BFF9 offers your company a unique opportunity to demonstrate leadership in the industry, support cutting-edge research, and recognize the critical role statisticians play in advancing business and science. Your contribution at any level will be appreciated.

Join us as a sponsor, exhibitor, or advertiser in Indianapolis, IN on May 2025 to reach a broad domestic and international audience through the 9th BFF Conference.


Gold Level

(5,000 and more)

Silver Level

(3,000 and more)


($1,000 or more)

Acknowledgement during the opening remarks




All plenary sessions will shown as “sponsored by your company”




Your company’s name and logo featured in the conference program and materials


Yes (only one session)


The poster session will be named “Poster session sponsored by your company”




Exhibition booth




Acknowledgement during the dinner banquet




Any level of contribution will be appreciated.

Purdue Department of Statistics, 150 N. University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Phone: (765) 494-6030, Fax: (765) 494-0558

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