Master of Science

The Master of Science program is designed for students interested in careers in industry, government, and academia. These degree programs are usually completed in two years. Students in the programs are encouraged to participate in the department's Statistical Consulting Service.
Besides the general requirements of the Graduate School for the degree of Master of Science, the student must complete the following requirements:
An acceptable plan of study should be submitted electronically to the Graduate School by the end of the first session. The courses and the credit hours on the plan of study should be in accordance with any one of the programs listed below.
Examinations and Course Requirements
An oral examination is required, but this, as well as some course requirements, may be fulfilled by passing a suitable comprehensive examination at an appropriate level. Substitution of more advanced courses for required ones is generally encouraged.
To be formally admitted to candidacy for the M.S. degree, the student must have fulfilled the preceding requirements. Admission to candidacy will not be granted to students who fail to achieve acceptable levels in their course grades.
Programs of Study Leading to the M.S. Degree
- Graduate Programs
- How to Apply
- Faculty Research Groups
- Graduate Courses
- Career Development
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- Degrees Offered
- Doctor of Philosophy Degree
- MS Statistics Degree in Applied Statistics
- MS Statistics Degree in Applied Statistics - Online Program
- MS Data Science in Finance Residential Program
- MS Statistics Degree in Mathematical Statistics or Probability
- Joint Statistics and Computer Science Degree
- Fifth Year Applied Statistics MS Degree
- Concurrent Degree