Ksheera Sagar K. N.

Final year PhD Student
Department of Statistics
Purdue University

Contact Information:
Office: MATH G-171
Department of Statistics
Purdue University
250 N. University St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2066
E-mail: kkeralap@purdue.edu

Advisor: Prof. Anindya Bhadra

Home | Curriculum Vitæ

About me:


[1] Sagar, K., Datta, J., Banerjee, S. and Bhadra, A. (2023+). Maximum a posteriori estimation in graphical models using local linear approximation. (submitted). [arXiv:2303.06914]

[2] Sagar, K., Bhadra, A. A Laplace Mixture Representation of the Horseshoe and Some Implications. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp. 2547-2551, 2022, [doi link]

[3] Sagar, K., Banerjee, S., Datta, J. and Bhadra, A. (2023+). Precision matrix estimation under the horseshoe-like prior–penalty dual. (under revision, winner of a 2022 ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award). [arXiv:2104.10750]

[4] Sagar, K., Ni, Y., Baladandayuthapani, V. and Bhadra, A. (2023+). Individualized Inference using Bayesian Quantile Directed Acyclic Graphical Models. (submitted, winner of the Best Student Poster Award, IISA 2022 Conference). [arXiv:2210.08096]

[5] Bhadra, A., Sagar, K., Banerjee, S. and Datta, J. (2023+). Graphical Evidence. (submitted).[arXiv:2205.01016]


[1] Precision matrix estimation under the horseshoe-like prior–penalty dual. [slides]

[2] Individualized Inference using Bayesian Quantile Directed Acyclic Graphical Models. [slides]


[1] Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, Spring 2023.

[2] Best Student Poster Award, IISA 2022 Conference, December 2022.

[3] College of Science Graduate Student International Travel Grant, August 2022.

[4] ENAR distinguished student paper award, ENAR Spring Meeting, March 2022.

[5] College of Science Graduate Student International Travel Grant, March 2022.

[6] Emily and Paul Kidwell Graduate Student Excellence Award, May 2021.

[7] Fredrick N. Andrews Fellow, Fall 2018 - Spring 2020.

[8] INSPIRE Fellow, Department of Science & Technology, India, Fall 2013 - Spring 2018.

Academic Service:
