When Statistics Embraces A.I.

Purdue Department of Statistics
Home » Courses » STAT 417 » Syllabus


Time and Location: 10:30 am --- 11:45 am T Th, Univ 019

Instructor: Professor Xiao Wang
Office: Math-514
Office Hours: TH 2:00 pm-3:00 pm
Phone: (49)6-7574
Email: wangxiao@purdue.edu

Grader: Tong Gao
Email: gao176@purdue.edu

Textbook: Probability and Statistics: The Science of Uncertainty (Second Edition) by Michael J. Evans, Michael Evans, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal

Web Page: http://www.stat.purdue.edu/~wangxiao/STAT417/stat417.html

Objective: An introduction to the mathematical theory of statistical inference, emphasizing inference for standard parametric families of distributions. Properties of estimators. Bayes and maximum likelihood estimation. Sufficient statistics. Properties of test of hypotheses. Distribution theory for common statistics based on normal distributions.

Prerequisites: Stat416, or equivalent

Lectures: The computer-displayed notes will be made available to you on the class web page. You can print them to facilitate taking notes in class.

Final Grade: Your final grade will depend on the following components with these proportions: homework (30%), midterm (30%), final exam (40%). The percentage grades needed to achieve an A, B, C, D, or F will follow approximately the following scale: 85 – 100 = A, 70 – 84 = B, 55 – 69 = C, 50 – 54 = D, 0 – 49 = F. This course has "+" and "-" scores.

Examinations: There will be one midterm examination and one final examination. These will contribute the majority of your final grade. The final examination will cover the entire course, with the last part of the course having particular emphasis.

Homework: The homework will be assigned approximately one week before its due date and will also be posted on the class web page. The homework must be finished (written) independently. Discussion is okay, but exact same copies will not be accepted, in which case all students involved will not be graded. Late homework will not be accepted under any circumstances (late = after noon on the due date). Usually, homework solutions will be posted on the class web page shortly after the due time. To allow for illness, family emergencies, etc., your greatest loss of points on a single homework will be cancelled.

Homework must always be stapled if it is longer than one page. The first page of each homework set handed in must contain the following information:

  1. your name
  2. the number of the homework set (e.g. Homework #2)
  3. the due date
  4. Stat 417 003 or 004

This information is necessary to ensure that your grades are recorded correctly and that your homework is returned to you promptly.

My Expectations: I expect that you will work hard in this course. I expect you to come to each class prepared to listen and understand. I expect that you will ask questions if things are not clear. I expect that you will use the textbook and other resources, and will read material as assigned. I expect you to attend class regularly, and that you will promptly catch up on any classes you miss. I expect you to make an honest attempt at assigned homework, and to ask for help when you need it. I expect you to behave appropriately and politely towards me and your fellow classmates at all times. This includes remaining quiet when others are speaking and being patient with the questions of others. I expect you to not misrepresent the work of others as your own, and to neither give nor receive unauthorized aid in examinations.

Your Expectations: You can expect that I will work hard in this course. I will do my best to explain and illustrate the material in a way that makes sense to you. Sometimes I will need help and feedback from you in order to figure out the best way to explain something. I will listen to your questions with respect and never ridicule; if the answer to your question is beyond the scope of this course, I will discuss it with you outside of class. I will give you fair notice of all assignments and tests and do my best to let you know what is required of you. I will attempt to evaluate your work fairly and assign grades appropriate to your performance. If you have other suggestions, please let me know. I will do my best to make this course a success for all of us.