Why I use VS Code

  1. VS Code contains basic features while being very lite. (I mean it opens right after you double click on it.)

    1. Code navigation

    2. Git (Version Control)

    3. For Python or other languages, it has Autocomplete and IntelliSense.

      1. You can use Jupyter Notebook on it directly. Just double click your ‘.ipynb‘ file.

    4. Markdown editing with dynamic previews and outline view.

    5. HTML editing with useful info.

  2. Lots of extensions for creating your work pipeline.

    1. PyTorch support

    2. Remote development.

      1. Based on SSH.

      2. You can even access Docker containers, or WSL files in Windows.

    3. LaTeX editing.

      1. View PDF on-the-fly; Preview formulas on hover.

      2. Build automatically on save; Log parser.

      3. Direct and reverse SyncTeX. (Jump between ‘.tex‘ and ‘.pdf‘)

  3. Code in Zen mode by typing ‘Ctrl+K Z‘.

  4. Code in your browser with it since it supports online editing.

    1. On any of your GitHub repository pages, you can directly enter the VS Code environment (without terminal) to check and update your repo by typing the period key ‘.‘ (How to use Visual Studio Code on your iPad)

    2. To use terminal, try Visual Studio Online where you need to use a backend environment (Azure or your own server).

  5. I used Sublime Text before switching to VS Code. It is also a very good text editor.

Anaconda on Windows

Adding path for Terminal in settings.json
    "python.condaPath": "C:\\Users\\yourname\\anaconda3\\Scripts\\conda.exe",
    "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": {
        "Anaconda Prompt": {
        "path": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\cmd.exe",
        "args": ["/K", "C:\\Users\\yourname\\anaconda3\\Scripts\\activate.bat C:\\Users\\yourname\\anaconda3"]
    "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Anaconda Prompt"