. It is noted to mention that ANOVA is relatively robust even when data is not Normally distributed. The assumption of equal variances (homogeneity of variances) can be checked with "hovtest" option, with the sas statement,
          "means method /hovtest welch" ;
Result is shown below:
The ANOVA Procedure
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of word Variance
ANOVA of Squared Deviations from Group Means
Sum of Mean
Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F
method 2 2.0668E8 1.0334E8 3.74 0.0545
Error 12 3.3121E8 27601053
As shown, the p-value is 0.0545 which is at the border line. There could be two possible solutions: with a significant level of no more than 0.05, there is no evidence to reject the hypothsis of Homogeneity; but with a significant level bigger than 0.0535 (such as 0.1), reject the hypothesis of Homogeneity. At the latter case, one should refer to the result of Welch's test, as shown below:
Welch's ANOVA for word
Source DF F Value Pr > F
method 2.0000 10.52 0.0065
Error 7.5552
Recall that p-value from regular ANOVA (with Homogeneity) is 0.0003; while p-value (without Homogeneity) is 0.0065. At a significance level of 0.05, the conclusions are the same that instruction methods makes a different impact on the result.
In general, methods used to find group differences after the global test is called multiple comparison tests, or post hoc test. SAS provides a variety of tests to investigate differences between levels of the independent variables. For example, Duncan's multiple-range test, the "Student-Newman-Keuls' multiple-range test, least-significant-difference test, Tukey'sstudentized range test, Scheffe's multiple-comparison procedure, and others, each has a SAS function name (e.g., DUNCAN, SNK, LSD, TUKEY and SCHEFFE). To request a multiple comparison test, place the SAS option name for the test you want, following a slash (/) on the "means" statement. It is easier to include the request for a multiple comparison test at the same time as the global test. But note that the multiple test result should be checked only after the global effect has been confirmed to be significantly different.
For example, if use the Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) test, the syntax (with a significant level of 0.05) are:
proc ANOVA data=words;
title Example of one-way ANOVA;
class method;
model word = method;
means method / SNK alpha=0.05;
Reading the output of the multiple comparison
Example of one-way ANOVA
The ANOVA Procedure
Student-Newman-Keuls Test for word
NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate under the complete null hypothesis
but not under partial null hypotheses.
Alpha 0.05
Error Degrees of Freedom 12
Error Mean Square 6423.333
Number of Means 2 3
Critical Range 110.44095 135.23025
Means with the same letter are not significantly different.
SNK Grouping Mean N method
A 786.00 5 A
B 548.00 5 C
B 518.00 5 B
Interpreting the result of the multiple comparison
Under the "SNK grouping" column, same letter means no significant effect. For example, the C and B groups both have the letter 'B' in the grouping column and therefore not significantly different. Groups A has a letter 'A' and is therefore significantly different (p-value<0.05) from the C and B groups. Hence we conclude that method A is uperior to both methods B and C; and methods B and C are not significantly different.