One sample t-test with SASExplain the question with an exampleWhen study on a single continuous variable, one can ask two questions in general:
The first is a confidence interval problem and the second is a hypothesis test problem. Here is an example, college-aged adults need at least 7 hours of sleep each night to stay healthy. Sleep deprivation can lead to decreased immune system function, lack of concentration, and poor memory. In the data set sleep.csv, a simple random sample of college students reports the number of hours of sleep they had last night.
Bothe problem can be answered with the same SAS procedure, ttest. Here is the standard procedureOpen the data set from SAS. Or import with the following command. data sleeptime; infile "H:\sas\data\sleep.csv" dlm=',' firstobs=2; input time; run; Then ttest can be requested as following. proc ttest data=sleeptime sides=2 alpha=0.1 h0=7; var time; run; The VAR statement indicates that the time variable is being studied, while the h0= option specifies that the mean of the time variable should be compared to the null value 7 rather than the default of 0. The SIDES=2 option reflects the focus of the research question: whether the mean sleep time is different than 7 hours, rather than less than 7 hours (in which case you would set SIDES=L or U for one-sided test or one-sided confidence interval). The ALPHA=0.1 option requests a signifcance level of 0.1 or a confidence level of 90%. The defalut significance level is 0.05. Reading the output of the t testThe TTEST Procedure Variable: time N Mean Std Dev Std Err Minimum Maximum 30 6.4500 1.4839 0.2709 3.5000 9.0000 Mean 90% CL Mean Std Dev 90% CL Std Dev 6.4500 5.9897 6.9103 1.4839 1.2249 1.8989 DF t Value Pr > |t| 29 -2.03 0.0516 Interpreting the result of the t-testSummary statistics appear at the top of the output. The sample size (N), mean, standard deviation, and standard error are displayed with the minimum and maximum values of the time variable. The 90% confidence limits for the mean and standard deviation are shown next. Due to the SIDES=2 option, the interval for the mean is an double-sided interval (5.9897, 6.9103) hours. At the bottom of the output are the degrees of freedom, statistic value, and p-value for the test. At the 0.1 significance level, this test indicates that the mean sleep time is significantly different than 7 hours (t=-2.03 and p-value=0.0516<0.1).
Checking assumption for the t-testOne sample t-test assumes normality. A UNIVARIATE procedure with the NORMAL option to numerically check the normality assumptions On the circumstance that data is not normally distributed. An alternative test of one sample median test can be used, in which case we test the median (not mean) sleeping time is different than 7 hours. This is done with the loccount option on the proc univariate, as shown below. proc univariate data=sleeptime loccount mu0 = 7; var time; run; From the output: Tests for Location: Mu0=7 Test -Statistic- -----p Value------ Student's t t -2.03013 Pr > |t| 0.0516 Sign M -5 Pr >= |M| 0.0987 Signed Rank S -89 Pr >= |S| 0.0645 Location Counts: Mu0=7.00 Count Value Num Obs > Mu0 10 Num Obs ^= Mu0 30 Num Obs < Mu0 20 The test on locations compare the number of times that are shorter and greater than 7 hours, and test if the former number is significantly different (greater/lower) than the latter. Both sign test and signed rank test can be used here, and both tests are displayed together with t-test. Specifically, the p-value of sign test is 0.0987, at a significance level of 0.1, the hypothesis is rejected, meaning the number of students who sleep less than 7 hours is different than those who sleep more than 7 hours. Furthermore, the p-value of Signed Rank test is 0.0645, at a significance level of 0.1, the hypothesis is rejected, meaning the average sleeping time of students who sleep less than 7 hours is different than the average sleeping time of students sleep more than 7 hours. Comparing to sign test, signed rank test compares the average sleeping time, rather than the number of students who sleep less or more than 7 hours.
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