Two way ANOVA with SASExplain the question with an exampleWhen there are one dependent variable and two or more independent variables, a two (or n) way ANOVA model sounds appropriate. Iorn and Zinc fortification of milk-based fruit drinks are common practice. To better understand the effects of drink fortification on the cellular retentionof iron, researchers conducted an experiment by fortifying milk-based fruit drinks with low and high levels of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn). The drinks were digested in a simulated gastroinatestinal tract and cellular iron retention was measured (mg Fe/mg cell protein). Data is available at Retention.csv . For the study, there is one continuous dependent varialble (Fe retention), and two categorical independent variables, Fe (low/high) and Zn (low/high). A two-way ANOVA can be applied as follows. Standard two-way ANOVA procedureOpen the data set from SAS. Or import with the following command. data retention; infile "H:\sas\data\retention.csv" dlm=',' firstobs=2; input retention Fe $ Zn $; run; Then a two way ANOVA can be requested as following. proc anova data=retention; class Fe Zn; model retention = Fe Zn Fe*Zn; run; The "model" statement lists retention as dependent variable, Fe and Ze as independent variable. Further more, Fe*Zn represents the interactions between Fe and Zn. If the interaction effect is proved insignificant, one can refit the data without the interaction effect Fe*Zn. Reading the outputThe ANOVA procedure Dependent Variable: retention Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 3 6.06863649 2.02287883 1082.46 <.0001 Error 28 0.05232581 0.00186878 Corrected Total 31 6.12096230 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE retention Mean 0.991451 5.198064 0.043229 0.831644 Source DF Anova SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Fe 1 4.40228628 4.40228628 2355.70 <.0001 Zn 1 0.01087812 0.01087812 5.82 0.0226 Fe*Zn 1 1.65547208 1.65547208 885.86 <.0001 Interpreting the resultThe anova results show that interaction Fe*Zn has a significant effect (p-value<.0001). When interactions are present, the main effects of the independent variables don't have their usual interpretations. It is now difficult to state the independent effect of Fe because the nature and magnitude of the effect depends on the particular level of Zn supplementation. If no evidence for an interaction effect is found, then one can proceed to testing the main effects of the independent variables.
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