R.W. Doerge
Trent and Judith Anderson Distinguished Professor of Statistics
Professor, Department of Agronomy, Purdue University
President's Fellow on Big Data and Simulation
Middleburgh Central, New York
1982 Math Class
B.S., Mathematics, University of Utah , 1986
M.Stat., Mathematics, University of Utah, 1988
Ph.D., Statistics, North Carolina State University, 1993
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biometrics and Plant Breeding, Cornell University, 1995
- 150 North University Street
Mathematical Sciences Building
Department of Statistics
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1399, USA
- Office: 522, MATH
- Email:
- Phone: 765-494-6037
- Fax: 765-494-0558
Curriculum vitae and Media Material:
Spring 2016 Bioinformatics Seminar Series Focusing on BIG Data and Simulation (STAT 598-RD1; CRN)
To add your name to the BIG Data and Simulation mail list at Purdue University Click Here
- Day and Time: Tuesday; 4:30-5:20pm
- Details: This is a 1 credit course (ST598B), where attendance and participation determine your
grade outcome.
- Every registered student is allowed "one excused" (non-work related) absence.
- The focus of the seminar series Spring 2016 will be BIG data and simulation.
Although this is a seminar course, anyone is welcome to attend. Weekly e-mail announcements of the
seminars are mailed every Thursday (with reminders on Monday). If you would like to be added to the
Bioinformatics mailing list and/or suggest a speaker, please contact R.W. Doerge: doerge_at_purdue.edu
Professor Doerge's research lies on the interdisciplinary boundaries of many fields (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Biological and Plant Sciences, Genomics and Epigenomics)
that are currently involved in assessing genomic based questions.
Statistical Bioinformatics brings together many scientific disciplines to
ask, answer, and disseminate biologically interesting information in the quest to
understand the ultimate function and control of DNA. Her
research program encompasses four broad areas as applied to both diploids and polyploids: the development of statistical methodology
for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and transcriptomics (microarrays and next-generation sequencing); the analysis of genetic mapping and (expression) QTL experimental data; the analysis of the epigenome; and the development of methodology to combine data and/or results from genomic and epigenomic investigations.
- Summary: Books (1); Reviewed Book Chapters (7); Reviewed Proceedings (29); Journal Publications (86)=123
R.W. Doerge Students:
- Summary: Completed Ph.D. Students (23); Current Ph.D. Students (3)
R code:
- Documentation and R code:"Extending the Modied Bayesian Information Criterion (mBIC) to dense markers and multiple interval mapping". 2008. Biometrics. doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2008.00989.x.
Malgorzata Bogdan, Florian Frommlet, Przemyslaw Biecek, Riyan Cheng, Jayanta K. Ghosh and R.W. Doerge
- Documentation and R code:
"Estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses for multiple comparisons". 2008. Cancer Informatics. 4:25-32.
Hongmei Jiang and R.W. Doerge
- Documentation and R code:
"A Two-Stage Poisson Model for Testing RNA-Seq Data". 2011. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Vol. 10 : Iss. 1, Article 26.
Paul L. Auer and R.W. Doerge
- Documentation and R code:
"Reverse Engineering Gene Regulatory Networks Using Approximate Bayesian Computation. 2012. Statistics and Computing: 22(6):1257-127.
A. Rau, F. Jaffrezic, J.-L. Foulley and R. W. Doerge
Purdue University Department of Statistics