My Invited Session at The International Nonparametric Society
Symposium, June 24-27, 2022, Cypress:
Bhaswar Bhattacharya, Arup Bose, Eugen Pircalabelu,
Linda Zhao.
Research Interests
Mathematical statistics (both fixed sample and asymptotic),
Applied probability, Analytic number theory,
Inequalities, Connecting different branches of mathematics.
Fall 2022 Course: STAT 695, Theory of Multivariate Statistics and Random Matrices
11:30 AM-12:20 PM, MWF, Recitation Building 114
Texts: Random Matrix Theory (Marc Potters), Random Matrices (Terry Tao),
Multivariate Theory (Robb Muirhead)
Education, Professional Honors and Societies
PhD, 1984, Indian Statistical Institute
Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Elected 1993
Member, IMS Council, 2014-2016
Member, IMS Council, 2008-09
Teaching Recognitions
Elected one of the 10 Best Teachers in the School
of Science; 1987-88; 1997-98
Editor, Selected Works of D. Basu, Springer
Editor, The Herman Rubin Festschrift, Institute of Mathematical
Editor, Basu Memorial Issue of Sankhya, Parts I and II Address:
150 N. University Street
MATH 528
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2068
Phone: (765) 494-6033 Fax: (765) 494-0558
Some publications
Larry Brown's contributions to parametric
inference, decision theory and foundations,
a survey, Invited, Statistical Science, 2019,
with Jim Berger
Detection and analysis of spikes
in a random sequence, Methodology
and Computing in Applied Probability, 2018,
with Bo Li
Valid confidence intervals for mean and standard
deviation when only
one observation is available,
in arxiv, with Stephen Portnoy, 2022
Asymptotic risk and Bayes risk of
thresholding and superefiicient
estimates, regular variation,
and optimal thresholding,
Contemporary Developments
in Statistical Theory, 2014, with
Iain Johnstone
Sharp fixed n bounds and
asymptotic expansions
for the mean and the median
of a Gaussian sample maximum,
and applications to the Donoho-Jin
model, Statistical Methodology,
2014, with S.N. Lahiri
The Hamburger moment problem
for products and powers
of random variables, Journal
of Statistical Inference, 2014,
with Jordan Stoyanov and G.D. Lin
Density estimation in
high and ultrahigh dimensions,
L1 asymptotics, Contemporary
Developments in Statistical
Decision Theory, 2012,
with S.N. Lahiri
Estimation of binomial
parameters when both n, p
are unknown, Journal
of Statistical Inference, 2005,
with Herman Rubin
A contemporary review
of infinitely divisible distributions
and processes, Sankhya Ser A,
with Arup Bose and Herman Rubin, 2002
Interval estimation for a
binomial proportion, with
discussion, Statistical Science,
2001, with Larry Brown
and Tony Cai
Confidence intervals for a
binomial proportion
and asymptotic expansions,
Annals of Statistics, 2002,
with Larry Brown and Tony Cai
All estimates
with a given risk, Riccati
differential equations and a
new proof of a
theorem of Brown,
Annals of Statistics,
1997, with William
A new general method
for constructing confidence sets
in arbitrary dimensions,
Annals of Statistics, 1995,
with J.K. Ghosh amd Mei-Mei Zen
Diameter and volume minimizing
confidence sets in Bayes
and classical problems, Annals of Statistics,
Robust Bayes experimental designs
in normal linear models,
Annals of Statistics,
1991, with William J. Studden
False vs. missed discoveries,
Gaussian decision theory,
and the Donsker-Varadhan principle,
Festschrift for Lawrence D.
Brown, Institute
of Mathematical Statistics, 2010
Estimating a binomial parameter:
Is robust Bayes real Bayes?,
Statistics and Decisions, 1993,
with Mei-Mei Zen
The heat equation and Stein's identity:
Connections, Applications,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
2006, with Larry Brown,
Len Haff, William Strawderman
Robustness of standard confidence '
intervals for location parameters,
Annals of Statistics, 1995,
with Sanjib Basu
Sample size problems in ANOVA:
Bayesian point of view,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
with Brani Vidakovic, 1997
Uniform and subuniform
posterior robustness,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
1994, with Saurabh Mukhopadhyay
Robustness of Stein's two stage
procedure, Sequential Analysis,
1995, with Hyun-Sook Oh
Statistical tests for multivariate
bioequivalence, Biometrika, 1999,
with J.T. Hwang and Weizhen Wang
A general theorem on decision theory
for nonnegative functionals,
Annals of Statistics, 1989
The mean, median and mode
of unimodal distributions;
Theory of Probability and
Its Applications, 1997,
with Sanjib Basu
Interval estimation in exponential
families, Statistica Sinica, 2003,
with Larry Brown and Tony Cai
Best constants in Chebyshev inequaliities,
Metrika, 2000
Exact tail probabilities
and percentiles of
the multinomial maximum,
Purdue University
Technical Report, 2017
Review of optimal Bayes designs,
Vol 13, Handbook of Statistics,
Bayes minimax estimation
in multiparameter families
when the parameter
space is restricted to a
bounded convex set, Sankhya Ser A,
Estimation in the multiparameter
exponential family:
Admissibility and inadmissibility results,
Statistics and Decisions, 1986
On the strong consistency, weak limits
and practical performance
of ML and Bayes estimates
of a symmetric Euclidean domain,
Lecture Notes and Monographs,
Institute of Mathematical
Statistics, 2004,
with Wen-Chi Tsai
Sub and resampling and goodness
of fit, Lecture Notes and Monographs,
Institute of Mathematical
Statistics, 2004,
with Larry Brown, John Marden
and Dimitris Politis
G-distributed functions of F-distributed
random variables,
Lecture Notes and Monographs,
Institute of Mathematical
Statistics, 2004,
with Larry Shepp
A new approach to default priors,
Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2001,
with George Casella, Mohan Delampady,
Herman Rubin and William E. Strawderman
Distributions which are
Gaussian convolutions,
Statistical Decision Theory
and Related Topics, V, 1994
Fourier analytic characterizations
of Bayes estimations,
Purdue University
Technical Report, 1993
Stein's identity,
Fisher information and
projection pursuit, a
Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inference, 2007
Bayes design for clinical trials,
Sankhya Ser A, 1998,
with Mei-Mei Zen
Coincidences, Encyclopedia
of Statistical Sciences,
Second Edition, 2004