Title: "Part 2: The job interview and what to do when you get an offer (academic, industry, etc.)"

Speaker: R.W. Doerge, Department of Statistics and Department of Agronomy, Purdue University
Place: Smith (SMTH) 108
Date: February 25, 2014; Tuesday
Time: 4:30pm

This is a two part seminar. Part 1 (February 18, 2014) included details of the job search and interview process for both Masters and Ph.D. students, and postdocs. We discussed what to think about prior to applying for a job, how to apply, details of a resume', details of a Curriculum Vitae (CV), Teaching Statements, and Research Statements. Once you get a job interview, you need to be prepared. We will discuss preparation, travel, expenses, dress, and what goes on during and after the interview.

Part 2 will cover: Once you are offered a job, we will discuss what to consider, questions to anticipate, how to negotiate, how to decline a job offer, etc.

The information and skills that will be presented are valuable for both Masters and Ph.D. students, as well as postdocs, seeking either full time employment or internships.

*Sponsored by the Purdue University Postdoc Association

Associated reading:
1. Center for Career Opportunities (CCO), Purdue University

2. Preparing for an Academic Career

Click here for a full schedule of BIOINFORMATICS SEMINARS, past and present.