Title: "Scientific Data Discovery with JMP Genomics"
Speaker: Kelci Miclaus; Advanced Analytics R&D Manager, JMP Life Sciences, SAS Institute, Cary, NC

Place: LILLY Hall G126
Date: November 17, 2015; Tuesday
Time: 4:30pm

JMP Genomics provides a large set of genomic analysis tools using a unique combination of JMP and SAS software. Main analysis areas include GWAS, population analysis, agronomic research, exon/transcript level expression and NGS data in addition to extensive pattern discovery and predictive modeling for analysis of integrated biological data. The software has been used in over 1,000 peer-reviewed articles including several articles/books published by the R&D team who develops the tools. In this seminar, a general overview of the software will be given along with examples from research collaborations and customer applications.

Bio: Kelci Miclaus is Advanced Analytics R&D Manager for the JMP Life Sciences division at SAS Institute and directs and develops statistical features for JMP Genomics and JMP Clinical software. She joined SAS in 2006 and holds a PhD in Statistics from North Carolina State University. Her research and development areas include genetic association and relatedness, mixed models, pattern discovery, and clinical trials safety analysis.
Associated reading:
JMP® Genomics A unique pedigree: visual discovery and analytics

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