Title: "Part II: The job interview and what to do when you get an offer (academic, industry, etc.) "
Speaker: Rebecca Doerge, Department of Statistics and Department of Agronomy, Purdue University

Place: LILLY Hall G126
Date: December 8, 2015; Tuesday
Time: 4:30pm

This is a two part seminar. Part 2 will cover: Once you get a job interview, you need to be prepared. We will discuss preparation, travel, expenses, dress, and what goes on during and after the interview. When you are offered a job, you need to know what to consider, questions to anticipate, how to negotiate, how to decline a job offer, etc. Once you are offered a job, we will discuss what to consider, how to negotiate, how to decline a job offer, etc.

***The information and skills that will be presented are valuable for Masters and Ph.D. students, and Postdocs, seeking full time employment. ***

Click here www.stat.purdue.edu/~doerge/BIOINFORM.D/FALL15/sem.html for a full schedule of BIOINFORMATICS SEMINARS, past and present.