The latest version of what is called the DISC (for distributed iterative statistical computing) package in R can be installed in an R session by making the function call: > disc.update() where the function disc.update has to be defined first and its definition is given in the end of this message. This should work for R version 2.13. For R versions 2.14 and 2.15, a working version of disc can be installed with the command > disc.update("") If the function call disc.update() is successful, try > library(disc) and type ?disc at the R prompt to see the current documentation of 'disc'. The available documentation is very rough and incomplete. There are many functions used in various R sessions are not documented yet and are subject to refinements, including trimming etc. To test it, you can try two demos, mr and vs. But I expect that it requires a few minutes to set things up. _______________________________________________________________________________ # The function disc.update disc.update <- function (disc.url="") { download.file(disc.url, basename(disc.url)) install.packages(basename(disc.url), type = "source") if (p <- match("package:disc", search(), 0L)) { detach(pos = p, unload = TRUE) library(disc) } }